Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Sad and Sobering Day

I dropped my friend off at the Avenue S park n' ride after work this morning. We got on the freeway and there was a ton of traffic, obviously due to an accident. She opted to continue up the off ramp side and go up ahead. I opted to head over to the carpool lane, open for anyone during certain hours. We were still blocked but she had a better, closer view of the accident. When she got home, I found out that a young girl had been ejected and her mother was cradling the body, refusing to let her go for the officers. My friend had seen this. I, luckily, did not. CHP had blocked the view by the time I got up to the scene. At this point, I was grateful, as I have seen my fill of fatalities because I drive so many miles.

My point is this. Do not let your child undo their safety belt NO MATTER WHAT while the car is moving. Hug your child daily and let them know how much you love them, even if you are angry at them for whatever reason. DO NOT TEXT WHILE DRIVING. DO NOT TAILGATE. DO NOT SPEED. DO NOT WEAVE IN AND OUT. MOST OF ALL DO NOT DRIVE DRUNK, SICK OR ULTRA-TIRED.

While I do not know what actually caused the accident at this point, it happened and it was terrible. I don't know and cannot know what the mother was going through mentally. I do know what it put my friend through (she is a mother).

I can't tell you how many times I am tail-gated, flipped off on the freeway for only going 75, cut off or whatever due to road rage. Please don't go there. I can easily go through life never seeing another fatality again!

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