Thursday, January 14, 2010

Got to work with Kim Cameron's beautiful kit...

Morning Meadow and was it ever fun!!!!!!!!

Here's the kit! Gorgeous, right???

And here are my two layouts that I love!! First is Jackson and Grandpa peeking in the window! (and they really are, too!)

Second is Rachel and Nathalie..

Now Kim sells over at Groovy Scraps so make sure you hop on by and take a peek!! I see this kit is on sale right now! Along with everything else. So just click YOUR HEELS and I'll take you there!

I see it's been a few days...

since I've posted. Another psoriasis flareup (sigh). But I have gotten a couple of layouts done, sitting gingerly (LOL).

Here's my week 2 for Scrap Lift 2010 at Digi Scrap Addicts:

The other layout I think I'm gonna tweak a I'll be baaaack!!


Monday, January 11, 2010

It's just another Manic Monday...

at Scrap Matters!! Check it out....several kits have been marked waaaay down! So go straight to the Scrap Matters shop and check it out!!

DigiScrap Addicts starts their 2nd round and I have received the next 4 awesome kits! I'm soooo tired thought, that I popped a blook vessel in my eye and I have to rest today...booooooo!!! I'll dream of what I want to do with these new kits! And my apologies to Nikki Epperson! Somehow or other I typed Pepperson for her last name (knowing full well the correct spelling) so here is my apology to Ms. Epperson for assaulting her name!!! Sorry!

Well, TTFN!! Talk at ya soon!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

All kewl digiscrapping sites run..

challenges....Denim and Daisies has some kewl ones including "Can I Borrow These?". The moderator picks a layout to scraplift...and you do so!! How simple is that!

So here is my lift of bre11414's "Hulme Family" created with Stolen Momemnts "Chocolate Frosted Snowflakes" (cute name for a cute kit!). I love how it turned out!

Well, I gotta work tonite, so off to cook some chicken.


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Here's my Week 1 entry to..

Scrap Off 2010.

Using the 4 mini-kits they gave me (designers: Nikki Pepperson, Suzy Q Designs, Genia Benia and Sir Scrapalot!).

Enjoy and off to bed!!


Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Has life been interesting this last week or so. I've been scrambling to get on a few CT's and I'm excited to say I'm on some awesome teams!! One is the site CT for Denim and My first kit was Reflections - their mega collab for January from which I created a couple of layouts.

First, here's the kit

And here are my two layouts:
A butterfly measures....

and "Sisters"

Also, I had completely forgotten that I signed up for DigiScrap Addicts Scrap Off 2010!! We are given small mini kits (part of a larger kit) for the next 3 weeks. Their CT members will vote for us with the final chance of a 3 month guest spot on their CT. Kewl beans, huh? So I'm off to work on that layout next!