Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Has life been interesting this last week or so. I've been scrambling to get on a few CT's and I'm excited to say I'm on some awesome teams!! One is the site CT for Denim and Daisies.net. My first kit was Reflections - their mega collab for January from which I created a couple of layouts.

First, here's the kit

And here are my two layouts:
A butterfly measures....

and "Sisters"

Also, I had completely forgotten that I signed up for DigiScrap Addicts Scrap Off 2010!! We are given small mini kits (part of a larger kit) for the next 3 weeks. Their CT members will vote for us with the final chance of a 3 month guest spot on their CT. Kewl beans, huh? So I'm off to work on that layout next!


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