Sunday, September 9, 2012

Just Another Manic Monday!!!

Remember that song? Well, it has a 2nd means a few kits are on sale for 50% off at ScrapMatters for Monday only!!!! And guess what!!?!??!?! Lina (LDrag Designs) is offering "Nana's Sewing Stash" at half price! Wowzers!!!! Here's a preview of this beautiful, versatile kit:
And here's the layout I completed with the kit:
Wanna know something else that's kewl? Ramona of Memory Clips is offering her kit, "Love Blooms"....a super sweet kit!!! Here's a preview:
And here's my layout:
So head on over to ScrapMatters, check out the shop, click the Manic Monday tab to the left and watch all the beautiful kits on sale!!!! TTFN!

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