Monday, January 11, 2010

It's just another Manic Monday...

at Scrap Matters!! Check it out....several kits have been marked waaaay down! So go straight to the Scrap Matters shop and check it out!!

DigiScrap Addicts starts their 2nd round and I have received the next 4 awesome kits! I'm soooo tired thought, that I popped a blook vessel in my eye and I have to rest today...booooooo!!! I'll dream of what I want to do with these new kits! And my apologies to Nikki Epperson! Somehow or other I typed Pepperson for her last name (knowing full well the correct spelling) so here is my apology to Ms. Epperson for assaulting her name!!! Sorry!

Well, TTFN!! Talk at ya soon!

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