Monday, April 13, 2009

I am so hyped on my latest layout. I've been seeing these amazing fantasy layouts around the internet and had to explore the person behind the kits. This happens to be Lorie Davison (I keep putting an extra "d" in but this one time I finally got it!). She illustrates childrens book and has an unbelievable imagination! She has created several scrapbook kits that you can buy just part of or buy the complete kit.

So I went and bought one....okay two....and put together my first fantasy lo using her kits. The extraction took a while...and then I kept staring at it, thinking it just didn't look right. Then I realized that I needed to add shadows under certain parts of my nieces to make it look like they were really sitting on the ground. (They were actually sitting by a pool!)

So, here is the final lo which I'm loving more every time I look at it. It's title is "Fairy Tea Party". Let me know what you think!

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